Everything you need to be your most beautiful self.
Monday, January 2, 2017
Getting Control of my Health
Okay, so part of me becoming the best version of myself requires taking better care of my health.(eww...) I won't lie, the current state I am in right now is the most unhealthy I have ever been. I am at my heaviest weight and I could probably stand to throw a salad in every now and then. I will say that I am guilty of becoming comfortable in my current relationship and I have put on a few pounds knowing that it wouldn't matter.
This all changes today! (so I hope) For me, I am no stranger to fitness. I have always been able to go a while without working out and kind of pick up where I left off. I have tried (and failed) countless fitness plans claiming "this time will be different." I could never actually put my finger on why I was never able to actually commit to one measly 12 week plan. Then it finally clicked!
The working out area was never the problem for me. I can always get up and force myself to pump out a 30 minute workout but, I could never manage to make the meal plan work for me. I'm sorry... I know many people have tried the plans that I have and had amazing, life changing results. I, however, can not sit there and meal prep for a whole day and follow that plan exactly day after day. I CAN'T! I hate it. I also have a few questions for the people that can...
How do you not get bored of eating the same thing everyday?
Does someone do your grocery shopping for you?
How can you stand there for hours prepping your meals once a week... and how do you fit all of those meals into your fridge after?
I know... I know. A lot of people would answer those questions with simple answers but, I just can't do it. All of this being said I am going to be trying something a little bit different with my plan.
My plan will be heavily focused on maintaining a very strict workout plan while giving healthier food recommendations. For me it is all about balance. I am not going to stick to an only grilled chicken and veggie diet but, I am also not going to just eat whatever the hell I want. Throughout this blog I will be showing you my workouts and sort of changing my mind on what eating healthy really means. Meaning we will both be learning how to reach for healthier options while still occasionally indulging in things that we love.
Oh and did I mention my first month will all be AT HOME WORKOUTS?!!? You heard it right! One month of workouts we can do all in the comfort of our own home!
Let's begin the journey together and hope and pray that we make it out alive!
XOXO, Jenn
Here's to new beginnings...
Hey all!
I know what you're thinking.. here's another NEW YEAR, NEW ME post! Before you go down that path I would like to say NO... and yes! While not completely going into the whole New Year's resolution craze, I have decided to make some changes in my life.
First and foremost, I have decided to restart my blog... but with a new direction. When this blog first started I was heavily focused on beauty and becoming this overnight blog sensation (not a tall order right?) This year I thought I would focus on something a little more manageable (at least in my eyes.) My new blog will be focused on anything and everything you need to be the best version of yourself.
Which brings me to my New Year's resolution... (I'm sure you can guess)
This is totally open to your interpretation. For me it means not buying into everything that I used to just because I was told I should. Or, not doing things that I don't enjoy. Basically, it means I will be focusing on getting fit, making healthier choices, and working on self development; all while enjoying the little things in life.
Throughout this blog, I will be taking you on the journey with me (it's going to be a wild ride.) You'll be getting a front row seat to my triumphs and complete failures and I challenge you to join me. Who knows, maybe we'll end up being those people that wake up early, eat healthy, help others, and enjoy life or; we'll stay our same tired, stubborn, self centered selves... Only time will tell.
XOXO, Jenn
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Salicylic Acid vs. Benzoyl Peroxide (Which is right for you?)
In the acne world there have been many products that have claimed to have "miracle" results but, have any of these products actually worked for you? And, if they have, do you know why you are seeing results?
When it comes to acne fighting products, two main ingredients come to mind: salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide. Each have proven very good at getting rid of acne but, which will work for you? I believe it all depends on two things: your skin type and your type of acne.
Salicylic Acid
Salicylic acid is a type of exfoliant for your skin. It is able to dig deep down into the blemish and clean it out completely. Salicylic acid is a keratin dissolving exfoliant which makes it extremely helpful when dealing with clogged pores. However, overuse of salicylic acid can have some major side effects on your skin. Over using can cause your skin to become red or irritated and possibly make your skin look worse than it was. It is important to know how much salicylic acid is right for you. This all depends on your skin type, for example, I have very oily skin that is not sensitive at all. This being said, I can use a product that contains salicylic acid in it at least once a day (normally at night). However, if you are someone who has drier or sensitive skin, you may want to limit your use to every other day.
Common Use:
Salicylic acid can be found in a number of drugstore acne treatments and it very easy to apply. Normally I think it is best to find an acne cream that you use after you have washed your face that way, you are getting the full effect on your skin. You can use a cotton pad to apply this all over your face or, what I like to do, go in with clean hands and really work the product right into the skin.
Benzoyl Peroxide
Benzoyl peroxide is also an exfoliant for your skin but, it works in a different way. Benzoyl peroxide works against acne by providing an oxygen enriched environment that a lot of acne cannot survive in. It, like salicylic acid, helps prevent clogged pores and works well when trying to minimize acne and acne scarring. The side effects are very similar to that of salicylic acid in that your skin can become very red or irritated if overused. Like I said, it is all about finding out what your skin can handle and not pushing it past its limits.
Common Use:
Again benzoyl peroxide can be found in some drugstore products but, I think that it is a lot harder to find more affordable products with benzoyl peroxide it in than salicylic acid. That being said, a lot of companies list their ingredients of their products right on their sites so, that may make it a little easier than walking around the drugstore reading labels. As far as application, I like to find a face wash that has benzoyl peroxide in it just because that it was works best with my skin. However, there are many acne creams that contain it as well.
Which is for you?
Still have no idea which one is going to get rid of your acne for good, let me help! First off, you need to know that there is a difference between just regular old pimples and something like cystic acne. Pimples affect almost everyone and, anyone from a teenager to the elderly can get them for any reason. However, cystic acne is more uncommon. Cystic acne is more of the under you skin acne that look well, like cysts. Don't freak out! Everyone who suffers from the occasional breakout will get under the skin acne sometimes but, those will cystic acne almost always get them. "Normal" acne is usually made up of blackheads, whiteheads and, yes, the occasional under the skin pimple that hurts like crazy!
If you are like me, you suffer from cystic acne. I have found that benzoyl peroxide is the better of the two in treating those nasty bumps. I have also found that it helps in reducing those red scars that cystic acne normally leaves. Also, benzoyl peroxide is more beneficial to someone who suffers from adult acne as well.
On the other hand, if you are suffering from "normal" acne, salicylic acid is the answer for you! It is the most common way to treat acne and has been known to give great results. Salicylic acid also works better for teenagers that are struggling with breakouts because of its ability to clear out clogged pores.
Okay guys, I know that this has been a very long and drawn out post but, I really wanted to explain to you guys the difference and help you change your skin for the better. Keep in mind when using both of these products you MUST use a moisturizer to prevent drying. I also just recommend adding these creams and such to your normal face washing routine for max results!
Until next time,
Jenn K
When it comes to acne fighting products, two main ingredients come to mind: salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide. Each have proven very good at getting rid of acne but, which will work for you? I believe it all depends on two things: your skin type and your type of acne.
Salicylic Acid
Salicylic acid is a type of exfoliant for your skin. It is able to dig deep down into the blemish and clean it out completely. Salicylic acid is a keratin dissolving exfoliant which makes it extremely helpful when dealing with clogged pores. However, overuse of salicylic acid can have some major side effects on your skin. Over using can cause your skin to become red or irritated and possibly make your skin look worse than it was. It is important to know how much salicylic acid is right for you. This all depends on your skin type, for example, I have very oily skin that is not sensitive at all. This being said, I can use a product that contains salicylic acid in it at least once a day (normally at night). However, if you are someone who has drier or sensitive skin, you may want to limit your use to every other day.
Common Use:
Salicylic acid can be found in a number of drugstore acne treatments and it very easy to apply. Normally I think it is best to find an acne cream that you use after you have washed your face that way, you are getting the full effect on your skin. You can use a cotton pad to apply this all over your face or, what I like to do, go in with clean hands and really work the product right into the skin.
Benzoyl Peroxide
Benzoyl peroxide is also an exfoliant for your skin but, it works in a different way. Benzoyl peroxide works against acne by providing an oxygen enriched environment that a lot of acne cannot survive in. It, like salicylic acid, helps prevent clogged pores and works well when trying to minimize acne and acne scarring. The side effects are very similar to that of salicylic acid in that your skin can become very red or irritated if overused. Like I said, it is all about finding out what your skin can handle and not pushing it past its limits.
Common Use:
Again benzoyl peroxide can be found in some drugstore products but, I think that it is a lot harder to find more affordable products with benzoyl peroxide it in than salicylic acid. That being said, a lot of companies list their ingredients of their products right on their sites so, that may make it a little easier than walking around the drugstore reading labels. As far as application, I like to find a face wash that has benzoyl peroxide in it just because that it was works best with my skin. However, there are many acne creams that contain it as well.
Which is for you?
Still have no idea which one is going to get rid of your acne for good, let me help! First off, you need to know that there is a difference between just regular old pimples and something like cystic acne. Pimples affect almost everyone and, anyone from a teenager to the elderly can get them for any reason. However, cystic acne is more uncommon. Cystic acne is more of the under you skin acne that look well, like cysts. Don't freak out! Everyone who suffers from the occasional breakout will get under the skin acne sometimes but, those will cystic acne almost always get them. "Normal" acne is usually made up of blackheads, whiteheads and, yes, the occasional under the skin pimple that hurts like crazy!
If you are like me, you suffer from cystic acne. I have found that benzoyl peroxide is the better of the two in treating those nasty bumps. I have also found that it helps in reducing those red scars that cystic acne normally leaves. Also, benzoyl peroxide is more beneficial to someone who suffers from adult acne as well.
On the other hand, if you are suffering from "normal" acne, salicylic acid is the answer for you! It is the most common way to treat acne and has been known to give great results. Salicylic acid also works better for teenagers that are struggling with breakouts because of its ability to clear out clogged pores.
Okay guys, I know that this has been a very long and drawn out post but, I really wanted to explain to you guys the difference and help you change your skin for the better. Keep in mind when using both of these products you MUST use a moisturizer to prevent drying. I also just recommend adding these creams and such to your normal face washing routine for max results!
Until next time,
Jenn K
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Naked 3 Palette Swatches
For my birthday, Josh bought me a few things from Ulta that he picked out on his own. I was really excited because one of them happened to be the Naked 3 palette from Urban Decay. I have been eyeing this palette for a while but, there are also other palettes (like limited edition ones) that I went ahead and bought instead. All in all, I am very happy with my birthday gifts and I thought I would share the swatches and give my thoughts on the palette as a whole. I figured if some of you are on the fence about getting the palette like I was, this can give you a better idea of what you would be getting and decide from there.
So the palette has the same type of packaging as the Naked 2 palette which I really like. A lot of people have been complaining that the packaging cracks on the binding but, I think if you don't fold the mirror behind then it should be fine. I really like that the palette snaps shut; it makes it a lot easier to travel with and it ensures that your shadows won't break. Overall, I really like the rose gold packaging, I think it is really cute and sort of stays with the whole theme of the palette.
Next, let's talk about the brush that it came with. It is a double ended brush that comes with it just like the Naked 2 I believe. One side is a flat shader brush and the other is a denser blending brush; it sort of reminds me of a Sigma e35 brush. They are both dual fiber brushes and are very soft in texture. I think that the flat brush will be really good for packing on a lot of pigment and the blending brush will be good for putting more precise color in your crease without blending it out too much.
Now, for the shadows! The names are all really cute on these shadows just like most Urban Decay shadows. All of these shadows have sort of a rose gold color to them in some way. I think that these colors are great to get a really nice sultry date night eye look but, you can also use these to get a very light daytime eye look as well. There is a good mix of shimmery and satin shades but, you also get those great matte blending colors for your crease too. They all feel very creamy when swatched but, I noticed a few of the shimmery shades did have some fall out. Overall, the shadows are very pigmented and I think I will be getting a lot of use out of this palette.
Shades for left to right: Strange, Dust, Burnout, Limit, Buzz, Trick, Nooner, Liar, Factory, Mugshot, Darkside, Blackheart
I definitely recommend getting this palette if you have not already. There are so many looks that you can do with this and I think that they will all be very flirty and fun! I can't wait to do a look with this and I will put up a tutorial in the next couple of days.
So the palette has the same type of packaging as the Naked 2 palette which I really like. A lot of people have been complaining that the packaging cracks on the binding but, I think if you don't fold the mirror behind then it should be fine. I really like that the palette snaps shut; it makes it a lot easier to travel with and it ensures that your shadows won't break. Overall, I really like the rose gold packaging, I think it is really cute and sort of stays with the whole theme of the palette.
Next, let's talk about the brush that it came with. It is a double ended brush that comes with it just like the Naked 2 I believe. One side is a flat shader brush and the other is a denser blending brush; it sort of reminds me of a Sigma e35 brush. They are both dual fiber brushes and are very soft in texture. I think that the flat brush will be really good for packing on a lot of pigment and the blending brush will be good for putting more precise color in your crease without blending it out too much.
Now, for the shadows! The names are all really cute on these shadows just like most Urban Decay shadows. All of these shadows have sort of a rose gold color to them in some way. I think that these colors are great to get a really nice sultry date night eye look but, you can also use these to get a very light daytime eye look as well. There is a good mix of shimmery and satin shades but, you also get those great matte blending colors for your crease too. They all feel very creamy when swatched but, I noticed a few of the shimmery shades did have some fall out. Overall, the shadows are very pigmented and I think I will be getting a lot of use out of this palette.
I definitely recommend getting this palette if you have not already. There are so many looks that you can do with this and I think that they will all be very flirty and fun! I can't wait to do a look with this and I will put up a tutorial in the next couple of days.
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Ways to Build Inner Strength
With this whole workout plan I have been on I have been thinking a lot about what it means to be strong. A lot of people would answer this by saying that you are physically fit or that you can lift a lot of weight but, I feel like being strong is a lot more than just physical. When you look at being strong you have to take into account that what you look like on the outside should match what is going on inside. A lot of times people have a hard time with this and it could be for many reasons. Most of the time is stress; having to constantly worry about the little things day in and day out. Other times it could be because you are unhappy with the type of person you are. Regardless of the reason I think it is important to want to build your inner strength. This will make you a better person overall and just help you live a happier life.
Outside factors can cause a person to feel like they will never be strong again. These could be completely out of your control like losing a loved one or having to put your dog down. These also could be completely in your control like overcoming a break up or losing a job. When you get down about things like this it is very hard to bounce back from them especially if you don't want to or feel you are not ready. The best piece of advice I can give to this is that life moves on even if you don't. I know that this can sound a little harsh but when you think about it, people will continue to live their lives even if you are cooped up in your house laying on the couch feeling like you will never be normal again. I am by no means saying that you should not have your mourning period, everyone deals with certain things in their own way but, I think that you should take whatever has happened as a lesson learned.

With all of this being said I also wanted to give you a few more tips on how you can build inner strength and go on in your life feeling good about yourself.
1. Take care of your body: This step is so important because you have to love who you are. By this I mean you should be doing physical activity. (doesn't have to be lifting weights) This could be taking a walk in the park, walking your dog, going swimming; something to get you out of the house and active. This also means not filling your body with things they have no benefits towards your health. Now, I am not saying never eat a whole bag of chocolate chip cookies because sometimes that happens but, try to make healthier choices when feeding your body.
2. Find ways to manage your stress: Stress is something that is unavoidable in a lot of cases. I feel like I am constantly stressed about something but, I have found ways to cope with it. You need to find some sort of outlet; like for me, I blog; other people do yoga or write in a journal. This outlet could be anything you want as long as it is something that you enjoy doing. I know that a lot of people say that they don't have time to do this but, in the long run this will make you feel better and take a ton of stress off of your shoulders.
3. Surround yourself with good people: Everyone has those friends that they can talk to about anything. You want people in your life that are going to build you up instead of tear you down. Having a good group of friends or family members is key to building inner strength. These are going to be the people you turn to when you are feeling down but, also the ones that will tell you to stop moping around when it is time to get back to business.
4. Be positive: Having a more positive outlook on everything will make you feel so much happier. Negativity is one of the worst traits that you could have (in my opinion) because not only does it bring you down but, it brings everyone around you down as well. You want to be positive and encourage others to do the same and everything will work out more smoothly.
5. Take time to enjoy the little things: Most of the time people will say that they do not have time to "stop and smell the roses." I am here to tell you that those little things are going to be the things that you remember most and that bring you the most joy in life. Things like taking the time to call an old friend or, teaching your kid how to throw a ball. A lot of times people will just overlook these small things in the present and I think that these things should be cherished.
All in all, I hoped this helped a little on ways to build your inner strength. I am all about becoming physically fit but, also becoming a strong woman as a whole. I feel that everyone should love who they are and be able to know that they are strong from within.
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Tips: Late Night Workout
I love working out at night! I am not a morning person so it is easier for me to go late at night after my day is over. I also like going at night because I can take off all of my makeup and I don't have to get ready again after I shower. However, it can be difficult having the motivation to go to the gym after a long day. I know that I sometimes make up excuses because I am too tired from the day. These are my tips on making sure you can complete your late night workout.
1. Remind yourself all day: Telling yourself that you are going to workout when you get home puts it in your mind and you are more likely to do it. If you know that you are already going to it makes it easier to get ready and go versus doing it last minute when you've already been laying on the couch for an hour.
2. Take a pre-workout: I know that a lot of people who work out do not use supplements however, pre-workouts can really change your workout. I like to take a pre-workout about a half hour before I go workout. It really makes me motivated and it wakes me up even when all I want to do is go to bed. I always look for one without beta alanine because that makes me really hot and I start to itch. Just be cautious when buying one as to what is in it.
3. Gym access: I go to a gym that has 24 hour access with a key card. It is important to have a place where you can workout at any time of night. I know that before I went to this gym I would make up the excuse that I couldn't go because I wasn't going to be home in time before they close. A 24 hour gym gives you the convenience of being able to go whenever is a good time for you.
4. Don't eat heavy: When I get home for the night I am always hungry. Instead of eating a huge meal that is going to make me tired, I eat a smaller meal that is going to benefit me throughout my workout. I'll usually eat two pieces of whole wheat toast with peanut butter on the top and a handful of almonds. Then, after you workout you can eat your bigger meal with protein to fuel your muscles.
Be sure to comment below and tell me what you do to make sure you workout at late at night! Also, tell me some of your favorite pre-workouts that you take. Be sure to follow me on twitter and instagram!
Tips: Early Morning Workouts
I know that if you're like me, you hate waking up early. Especially if I know I'm getting up early to spend an hour or so in the gym. It sucks initially but, it's awesome in the long run because you're already awake and ready to get on with your day. Since I don't like it so much, I have come up with a few tips that can make waking up for an early morning workout easier.
1. Sleep in your workout clothes: I know that I have done this a few times and it really helps knowing that when I get up I am already ready for my workout. It takes away the hassle of picking out something to wear while you're half asleep.
2. Don't hit the snooze button: This is the hardest part for me because I am all for getting that extra five minutes of sleep. Just resist the urge and get up right when your alarm goes off. This will stop you from putting it off until later in the day because you slept an extra hour.
3. Eat something light: I always like to eat something small in the morning before I go workout. I am one of those people who are hungry as soon as I wake up so I have to have something before I go. I normally limit it to something light so I won't cramp up or feel sick during my workout. Eat something like a grapefruit or yogurt to get you going.
4. Hydrate: Don't drink the coffee! I know it's hard because I love to have multiple cups of coffee in the morning but, if you are working out it is better to go with a water instead. Hydrating your body will do more for you throughout your workout than a coffee will.
5. Have a workout buddy: Working out with a friend can drastically change your results. If you workout with a friend you can motivate each other throughout your workout. It also helps so that you can make sure each other wake up on time and don't skip the workout. Just make sure that you guys are helping each other and not hurting each other.
Be sure to comment below and tell me what you do to make sure that you wake up for your morning workouts!
1. Sleep in your workout clothes: I know that I have done this a few times and it really helps knowing that when I get up I am already ready for my workout. It takes away the hassle of picking out something to wear while you're half asleep.
2. Don't hit the snooze button: This is the hardest part for me because I am all for getting that extra five minutes of sleep. Just resist the urge and get up right when your alarm goes off. This will stop you from putting it off until later in the day because you slept an extra hour.
3. Eat something light: I always like to eat something small in the morning before I go workout. I am one of those people who are hungry as soon as I wake up so I have to have something before I go. I normally limit it to something light so I won't cramp up or feel sick during my workout. Eat something like a grapefruit or yogurt to get you going.
4. Hydrate: Don't drink the coffee! I know it's hard because I love to have multiple cups of coffee in the morning but, if you are working out it is better to go with a water instead. Hydrating your body will do more for you throughout your workout than a coffee will.
5. Have a workout buddy: Working out with a friend can drastically change your results. If you workout with a friend you can motivate each other throughout your workout. It also helps so that you can make sure each other wake up on time and don't skip the workout. Just make sure that you guys are helping each other and not hurting each other.
Be sure to comment below and tell me what you do to make sure that you wake up for your morning workouts!
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