With this whole workout plan I have been on I have been thinking a lot about what it means to be strong. A lot of people would answer this by saying that you are physically fit or that you can lift a lot of weight but, I feel like being strong is a lot more than just physical. When you look at being strong you have to take into account that what you look like on the outside should match what is going on inside. A lot of times people have a hard time with this and it could be for many reasons. Most of the time is stress; having to constantly worry about the little things day in and day out. Other times it could be because you are unhappy with the type of person you are. Regardless of the reason I think it is important to want to build your inner strength. This will make you a better person overall and just help you live a happier life.
Outside factors can cause a person to feel like they will never be strong again. These could be completely out of your control like losing a loved one or having to put your dog down. These also could be completely in your control like overcoming a break up or losing a job. When you get down about things like this it is very hard to bounce back from them especially if you don't want to or feel you are not ready. The best piece of advice I can give to this is that life moves on even if you don't. I know that this can sound a little harsh but when you think about it, people will continue to live their lives even if you are cooped up in your house laying on the couch feeling like you will never be normal again. I am by no means saying that you should not have your mourning period, everyone deals with certain things in their own way but, I think that you should take whatever has happened as a lesson learned.

With all of this being said I also wanted to give you a few more tips on how you can build inner strength and go on in your life feeling good about yourself.
1. Take care of your body: This step is so important because you have to love who you are. By this I mean you should be doing physical activity. (doesn't have to be lifting weights) This could be taking a walk in the park, walking your dog, going swimming; something to get you out of the house and active. This also means not filling your body with things they have no benefits towards your health. Now, I am not saying never eat a whole bag of chocolate chip cookies because sometimes that happens but, try to make healthier choices when feeding your body.
2. Find ways to manage your stress: Stress is something that is unavoidable in a lot of cases. I feel like I am constantly stressed about something but, I have found ways to cope with it. You need to find some sort of outlet; like for me, I blog; other people do yoga or write in a journal. This outlet could be anything you want as long as it is something that you enjoy doing. I know that a lot of people say that they don't have time to do this but, in the long run this will make you feel better and take a ton of stress off of your shoulders.
3. Surround yourself with good people: Everyone has those friends that they can talk to about anything. You want people in your life that are going to build you up instead of tear you down. Having a good group of friends or family members is key to building inner strength. These are going to be the people you turn to when you are feeling down but, also the ones that will tell you to stop moping around when it is time to get back to business.
4. Be positive: Having a more positive outlook on everything will make you feel so much happier. Negativity is one of the worst traits that you could have (in my opinion) because not only does it bring you down but, it brings everyone around you down as well. You want to be positive and encourage others to do the same and everything will work out more smoothly.
5. Take time to enjoy the little things: Most of the time people will say that they do not have time to "stop and smell the roses." I am here to tell you that those little things are going to be the things that you remember most and that bring you the most joy in life. Things like taking the time to call an old friend or, teaching your kid how to throw a ball. A lot of times people will just overlook these small things in the present and I think that these things should be cherished.
All in all, I hoped this helped a little on ways to build your inner strength. I am all about becoming physically fit but, also becoming a strong woman as a whole. I feel that everyone should love who they are and be able to know that they are strong from within.