In the acne world there have been many products that have claimed to have "miracle" results but, have any of these products actually worked for you? And, if they have, do you know why you are seeing results?
When it comes to acne fighting products, two main ingredients come to mind: salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide. Each have proven very good at getting rid of acne but, which will work for you? I believe it all depends on two things: your skin type and your type of acne.
Salicylic Acid
Salicylic acid is a type of exfoliant for your skin. It is able to dig deep down into the blemish and clean it out completely. Salicylic acid is a keratin dissolving exfoliant which makes it extremely helpful when dealing with clogged pores. However, overuse of salicylic acid can have some major side effects on your skin. Over using can cause your skin to become red or irritated and possibly make your skin look worse than it was. It is important to know how much salicylic acid is right for you. This all depends on your skin type, for example, I have very oily skin that is not sensitive at all. This being said, I can use a product that contains salicylic acid in it at least once a day (normally at night). However, if you are someone who has drier or sensitive skin, you may want to limit your use to every other day.
Common Use:
Salicylic acid can be found in a number of drugstore acne treatments and it very easy to apply. Normally I think it is best to find an acne cream that you use after you have washed your face that way, you are getting the full effect on your skin. You can use a cotton pad to apply this all over your face or, what I like to do, go in with clean hands and really work the product right into the skin.
Benzoyl Peroxide
Benzoyl peroxide is also an exfoliant for your skin but, it works in a different way. Benzoyl peroxide works against acne by providing an oxygen enriched environment that a lot of acne cannot survive in. It, like salicylic acid, helps prevent clogged pores and works well when trying to minimize acne and acne scarring. The side effects are very similar to that of salicylic acid in that your skin can become very red or irritated if overused. Like I said, it is all about finding out what your skin can handle and not pushing it past its limits.
Common Use:
Again benzoyl peroxide can be found in some drugstore products but, I think that it is a lot harder to find more affordable products with benzoyl peroxide it in than salicylic acid. That being said, a lot of companies list their ingredients of their products right on their sites so, that may make it a little easier than walking around the drugstore reading labels. As far as application, I like to find a face wash that has benzoyl peroxide in it just because that it was works best with my skin. However, there are many acne creams that contain it as well.
Which is for you?
Still have no idea which one is going to get rid of your acne for good, let me help! First off, you need to know that there is a difference between just regular old pimples and something like cystic acne. Pimples affect almost everyone and, anyone from a teenager to the elderly can get them for any reason. However, cystic acne is more uncommon. Cystic acne is more of the under you skin acne that look well, like cysts. Don't freak out! Everyone who suffers from the occasional breakout will get under the skin acne sometimes but, those will cystic acne almost always get them. "Normal" acne is usually made up of blackheads, whiteheads and, yes, the occasional under the skin pimple that hurts like crazy!
If you are like me, you suffer from cystic acne. I have found that benzoyl peroxide is the better of the two in treating those nasty bumps. I have also found that it helps in reducing those red scars that cystic acne normally leaves. Also, benzoyl peroxide is more beneficial to someone who suffers from adult acne as well.
On the other hand, if you are suffering from "normal" acne, salicylic acid is the answer for you! It is the most common way to treat acne and has been known to give great results. Salicylic acid also works better for teenagers that are struggling with breakouts because of its ability to clear out clogged pores.
Okay guys, I know that this has been a very long and drawn out post but, I really wanted to explain to you guys the difference and help you change your skin for the better. Keep in mind when using both of these products you MUST use a moisturizer to prevent drying. I also just recommend adding these creams and such to your normal face washing routine for max results!
Until next time,
Jenn K